Apex Series - Okapi (Ken Only)
$23.99 / Sold Out
These are my favorite Kens at the moment. A labor of love and something I'm very proud to release!
The Apex series came about after research and trial/error for how to design a better shaped kendama. I came to the realization that if I combined different types of wood I could achieve a much better balance and take my tricks to the next level. Not just balancing the Tama to the Ken, but balancing the Sarado to the Ken as well. That is true balance and something I wanted to figure out and share with the world.
To take this concept a bit further, I wanted to balance the pieces of the Ken by combining heavier woods for the mid-section construction of the Ken. Using a heavy wood species laminate for the center of the Ken provides a more balanced ken flip that naturally rotates perpendicular and corrects small mistakes when frantically juggling.
This is the pinnacle of balance when it comes to Kendamas. Balanced from the ground up, these feature 2 different types of wood to provide an edge when doing balance tricks such as lunars and stilts. Oak & Wenge wood combine to form the perfect pro-level kendama.
The Sarado piece is heavier than the ken, giving lunar placement more support when landing. Better juggles/flips from the center laminate. Birds/stalls are easier with the rounded edges of the cups, & the Basecup redux ensures a quicker Ken flip/gunslinger.
What you get:
Apex Series Ken
Champion Select string
Suspension bead